There are several things to consider when looking at Auto and Car Insurance quotes. It is always a good idea to understand the general lingo and get a good understanding of what goes into the actual price of a premium. Are there any hidden costs or added services that you may not need or request such as towing or windshield coverage. Also, make sure you are comparing apple to apples as far as policies and coverage.
Deductible: The out of pocket amount that you have to cover BEFORE any benefits or coverages kick in from the insurance company.
Premium: Normally, your premium can be paid on a monthly or yearly basis. Some companies such as Progressive are quoted on a 6 month basis. Others will at times give a discount if you prepay your premium for the entire year.
Discounts: You will want to know if you qualify for certain discounts such as good driving habits, or a teenage driver with good grades, etc. Make sure to find out what discounts are offered and if they have been applied to your policy
Bundles: Most insurance companies will offer a sizeable discount if you add a homeowners or renters policy to your auto policy.
Limits: This refers to the max dollar amount that will be paid out for damages or liability by the insurance company.
Lastly, we recommend that you look at more than just price when deciding between two insurance companies. Look at online reviews and social media to see what other policy holders are saying. Are they good at handling claims and do they have a exceptional customer service? Sometimes those things are more important than saving a few dollars on a premium. Call us today and let us provide a quote with our top carriers.